It's time for a new riddle, but let's first solve the last one.
How many times do you need to break the chocolate bar to get 24 sqauares? Well I am going to show you that it doesn't matter how you break it, it will always be 23 times. How come? the simple fact is that every time you break a piece of the bar, you actually add another piece to your collection (breaking a bar creates two parts of that bar). So, if you start with 1 piece - the whole bar - then after exactly 23 breaks you will have 24 pieces - exactly the 24 squares of chocolate we wanted.
Doorway to heaven
You are standing in front of three doors.

You know that one door leads to heaven, while the other two lead to hell. You have no way of knowing which is which, and running out of time, you pick one (doesn't matter which one) and go towards it.
Suddenly there appears a gnome.

He sees that you were going to open the door you picked and says:
"I know which door leads to heaven and which don't. Believe me when I say that this door is a door to hell" and while he is saying that, he is pointing to one of the other two doors (and not to the door you chose).
The gnome tells the truth (it doesn't matter which door you picked in the first place, he will always have a door that he can point out that leads to hell), so the door he pointed out is out of the question.
The riddle is: which door should you choose now? The door you chose in the first place, or the door that the gnome has left out of the two?
There is no right door or wrong door, but maybe there is a difference in the probability between the two?
1 comment:
take the other door
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