Saturday, September 27, 2008

Amazing 20 questions on the Internet

Everybody knows the game "20 questions" in which someone chooses a figure (real or fiction) and the others need to guess who the figure is using only 20 right or wrong questions. Adapting it to the Internet looks trivial - all you need is a database of figures and questions. I already did something similar about 25 years ago, trying to guess an animal that my father/mother picked (in Basic!!!).

Well actually it is not that trivial - you need to have a very big database and find the correct questions to ask to be able to divide the vast information quickly enough so that you are able to guess the correct figure after only 20 questions.


Akinator ( does it incredibly well! I played it about 10 times until I succeeded to win (meaning he couldn't guess my figure, which by the way was Doug from the time tunnel...). In the homepage you can see the last 10 games it played, and it seems that the statistics are almost always 9 to 1 (i.e. 9 out of 10 games, Akinator succeeds).


You can also view the top characters that were picked from the beginning of the web site. Interestingly, this web site is played mostly by Israeli's - Bar Refaeli, Ninet Tayeb and Tzipi Livni are all in the top 10 ever... Apart from them you have You, your mother and Akinator, the 'always click on yes', 'always click on no' and 'always click on don't know'. The only non Israeli and actual named figure is Angelina Jolie. Interesting. Could it be that Brad Pit also plays here often?...

Saturday, September 20, 2008


מה חשב לעצמו שאול מופז? כל אחד מאיתנו שאל את עצמו אתהשאלה הזו בשבוע האחרון. מילא לנבא שתנצח (הרי צריך להחדיר רוח קרב ואופטימיות) אבל למה לנבא בכמה? מה הסיכוי שמופז יקבל בדיוק 43.7 אחוזים מהבוחרים?


והנה, לאחר קבלת תוצאות האמת מסתבר שמופז לא היה רחוק כל כך. אולי זה אומר שאפשר להתנבא על 43.7 אחוז ולהיות מאד קרוב? בוא ננסה...


אני אומר שהסיכוי שארה"ב תבחר נשיא שחור הוא 43.7 אחוז. נשמע הגיוני, לא? אני גם חושב שהסיכוי שלבני לא תצליח להקים ממשלה ואנחנו עומדים בפני בחירות הוא 43.7. כמו כן, הסיכוי שמכבי תל אביב בכדורסל לא תיקח השנה את כל התארים בישראל הוא 43.7. בוא'נה - זה ממש כיף העניין הזה של להתנבא. אף אחד לא יכול לסתור אותך וכל מה שתגיד יהיה נכון באותה מידה שהוא לא נכון.


גאון המופז הזה...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Beware - email

If you are reading this post from an email - then I am sorry, I didn't mean to disturb. But since you are already concentrating on this, then keep on reading.


What was I doing just now?

The Sidney Morning Herald paper has published the conclusions of a research that was done in the UK, among which it was discovered that it takes roughly 64 seconds on average for someone to get back to what he was doing before a new email has popped into his inbox.

So how much time do we spend on emails?

The meaning of this is that for people who check their inbox every 5 minutes, will waste more than 8 hours a week wondering what they were doing seconds before they got an email... Think about it - 20% of the time spent at work is spent on thinking "hell, what was I doing a minute ago?". If you add to this another minute of reading and replying to emails, you get more than 50% wasted on moving into and from your inbox.

How much time does it take to reply to a message?

It was also discovered that although emails are thought to be non disturbing (especially compared to the annoying messengers), people tend to reply to emails 1 minute and 44 seconds, on average, after a new email was received.

What can we do about it?

One very simple thing is not to have an icon displayed (and of course not to have anything popping up) when an email has arrived. This small thing can lead into the ability to work without the interference of emails, at least not when you are concentrating on a specific task.

But what can we do about phone calls, SMS, messenger and calling my name in the hallway?

Maybe I will have a second post on this, depends on how much I get disturbed...

Riddle 7 - Glass balls


Here we go again - audience participation time! Yes, it's time for a new riddle. As usual, we will first review the solution to the riddle before. The solution is very basic - you just need to count the numbers from left to right... Each time we simply write down the number of appearances of the digit and the digit itself. For example, let's take the one before last row:

4 2 1 3 1 1

The first digit is 4, how many appearances? 1. Therefore we write 1 4
Now 2 which appears once, therefore 1 2
Now 1 which appears 3 times, 3 1 and last 1 3. So the result is:

1 4 1 2 3 1 1 3

The next row will be:
4 1 1 4 1 2 2 3, which is almost what Alex has wrote...

Riddle 7 - glass balls


Imagine you have a single glass ball and a 100 stories high building. You want to know what is the highest story from which you can throw the ball and still it will not shatter. Since you have only one ball, you must start from the first floor and go up one by one, or else you might find yourself with a shattered ball and no idea of the exact floor from which you can throw balls (if you had any...) and still admire the view...

So if I ask you how many trials you need in the worst case, the answer is 100. You can't do better.

But what if you had 2 balls? What is the minimal number of trials, worst case, that you need to do to find the exact spot?

What about 3 balls? 4 balls? Is there a pattern here?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The power of the blog

The internet has brought to our lives many beautiful things, such as googling and wikiing (if the verb wiki is not yet in use - well it's about time...), on-line shopping (see my new Toshiba) and of course blogging. You probably know what I am talking about (since you are reading this blog - which means you do take part in the new internet community), but have you ever wondered how much do these blogs affect our lives?

Well the following story will probably change your prespective. 

Everybody knows today who is Sarah Palin - the nominee for vice president of the republicans. If the worst-case scenario of the democrats comes to life, she will be the 45th president of the United States (and the first female president) after McCain will fall sick and will not be able to continue his presidency. But do you know how she got there? Well meet Adam Brickley. Adam is a 21 years old republican from Colarado who has never met Palin but has decided, on February 2007, way before anyone new who are going to be the nominees for presidency, that Sarah Palin should be the nominee for vice president. What did he do about this you ask? He opened a blog... According to the american press, his blog is the source from which Palin's name has come up in McCain's list for nominees. Apparently, Palin herself has phoned Brickley and thanked him for his efforts and help to become the next vice president of the United States (unless Obama somehow turns this all around - which seems to me unlikely).

So it seems that a blog can do a whole lot, doesn't it?

If Brickley can nominee a vice president - maybe I can do something about the Kadima elections? Why not?
Well - I am for Tzipi Livni, and if she does indeed get elected and become the next prime minister of Israel - you all know where you read it for the first time... :-)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

How to find your favorite song

Songza is the place to look for any video clip or song you want to hear.
Its search engine enables you to look for a name of a song, of an artist or even a partial line within the song.

Once you found the songs you are looking for, you can watch their video, listen to them, buy them, share them, rate them or add them to your playlist - basically anything you'de want to do with a song...
One nice feature that makes this site stronger than searching in youtube is the ability to search while listening to the last song you've found.

As this is a music related post, I couldn't end it without a song or two from Genesis.
This is one of my favorites - the second part of Home By The Sea from the "Genesis" album in 1983.

Another great song is Firth of Fifth from their 1973 album - Selling England by the Pound:


Friday, September 5, 2008

Kindle - Amazon's e-book

What is kindle?
Kindle is Amazon's digital or e-book. Kindle can replace hundreds of books, making it a very "green" product.

What's the big deal? You can read everything on the laptop?
Yes you can, but Kindle is much lighter, does not need to connect to Wi-Fi to get updates or download and has a screen specifically designed for reading. I don't know about you, but I get really tired after a few minutes of reading on my computer.

Currently, you can download books from Amazon, paying as less as 10$ for a best seller. One of the better offers of Kindle is that you don't pay for the connection/downloads. You only pay for the right to download the book.

The interesting question is whether this e-book (or one of his descendants) will be able to do to regular books what the digital camera did to film camera and what the Wikipedia is doing to regular encyclopedias. It will not be a big surprise if our children will go to school with a single Kindle, holding all materials for all lessons. That's certainly much better than our sour backs from the heavy bags we had to carry around...

Riddle 6 - Numbers numbers... hint

A hint to the sixth riddle - count!

As I said, any small child who knows to count can solve this puzzle...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New Chrome Browser from Google

The new Google Chrome is out! This is a new browser from Google, which is going to battle against Internet Explorer and Firefox. Last time Google and Microsoft were battling, Google came on top with superior search engines. The interesting question now is whether Google will be able to take the lead against Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

Chrome promises better performance, better integration with applications such as Gmail and Google Docs (obviously) and features coming from all known browsers. You can read more about it in the Chrome comics

This is how my blog looks like from Chrome:

When I tried to access my hotmail account throught Chrome, I got the following warning:

Upgrade your web browser

We recommend that you upgrade your web browser so you can get the most out of Windows Live Hotmail. Upgrading should only take a few minutes. To get started, choose one of the browsers below:
If you don’t want to upgrade right now you can still continue to Windows Live Hotmail, but some parts of it may not work and it may not be displayed properly.
Could it be that this is how Microsoft is dealing with the new rival?

Summary of the first day (it just came out yesterday) - very promising, but need to be further explored.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Plasma or LCD? I have decided

It was time to decide: plasma or LCD? My decision is not an academic one, and I cannot and don't want to convince you to do the same.

I chose LCD. Specifically, I chose this TV. The picture in the beginning is of my new TV screen.
Why? well the price was OK, Toshiba is a well known manufacturer and this TV is quite new. Why LCD? No definite answer here, but I can say that there are much more options in LCD than in Plasma, and that could be the reason I tended to go to this direction.
Anyway, if you haven't decided yet - good luck.
I'm done, at least for the next couple of years, I hope...