But is it a real upgrade? Every time I walk into a shop, all the screens look unclear and blurry. Is that what's the future holds for us? Blurry pictures? I hope not.
Let's assume not - that a 42inch flat screen is indeed an upgrade. Now I need to pick my choice out of literally hundreds of choices.
First choice is LCD of Plasma. I have read a lot about the differences but haven't yet decided what is best for me. To tell the truth, I can't even tell the difference in appearance between the two - can you?

Which of the above pictures is an LCD and which is Plasma? Difficult to say, isn't it?
Here is a movie trying to answer the question - Plasma or LCD?
Even if I did decide which of the technologies I am going for, there are too many parameters to look at to decide which specific module will get the privilege to get into my saloon. One solution to this is to get advice from a professional - but I always have the feeling I am being hassled. Maybe that's why the movie below was created - to guide you towards buying a flat screen in Israel:
If you can't see the movie from here, you can go directly to http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7379854967753847285&hl=en
So what to do? Maybe you can help?! If you have an opinion, please let me know by commenting or voting in the poll.
Thanks anyway...
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