Sunday, September 14, 2008

The power of the blog

The internet has brought to our lives many beautiful things, such as googling and wikiing (if the verb wiki is not yet in use - well it's about time...), on-line shopping (see my new Toshiba) and of course blogging. You probably know what I am talking about (since you are reading this blog - which means you do take part in the new internet community), but have you ever wondered how much do these blogs affect our lives?

Well the following story will probably change your prespective. 

Everybody knows today who is Sarah Palin - the nominee for vice president of the republicans. If the worst-case scenario of the democrats comes to life, she will be the 45th president of the United States (and the first female president) after McCain will fall sick and will not be able to continue his presidency. But do you know how she got there? Well meet Adam Brickley. Adam is a 21 years old republican from Colarado who has never met Palin but has decided, on February 2007, way before anyone new who are going to be the nominees for presidency, that Sarah Palin should be the nominee for vice president. What did he do about this you ask? He opened a blog... According to the american press, his blog is the source from which Palin's name has come up in McCain's list for nominees. Apparently, Palin herself has phoned Brickley and thanked him for his efforts and help to become the next vice president of the United States (unless Obama somehow turns this all around - which seems to me unlikely).

So it seems that a blog can do a whole lot, doesn't it?

If Brickley can nominee a vice president - maybe I can do something about the Kadima elections? Why not?
Well - I am for Tzipi Livni, and if she does indeed get elected and become the next prime minister of Israel - you all know where you read it for the first time... :-)

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